Concrete information on everything you wanted to know about dinasaurs, trivia and education combine in an app that will attract the most ardent of dinosaur anoraks. Its dossier is packed with prehistoric knowledge, making you every bit the natural explorer.
Here, app users will nd well over 200 species. You can choose to categorise them alphabetically, or by weight, length, age or diet. Interactivity is simple yet e ective, utilising nger swiping to access the Data page. Here, users discover a fact le that tells you the meaning of your favourite Sauropsida’s name, its dimensions, eating habits, history, detailed anatomy, habitat, date of discovery, and fossil record.
This all seems straightforward, but isn’t without charm. Clicking on the attached image will access the album, where you can fliick through photos and illustrations, with entertaining animations included. Extended fact les have fun interactive elements, allowing you to compare your dinos with modern species, and has an operational digital ray view to examine skeletal structure. It’s not just a history lesson you’re getting, but also one of geography, with the additional Map page. Here, users can discover dinosaurs that lived in their continent, country, and even local region, linking straight back to the Data page. Great for little monsters.
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs for iPad
Price: £2.99/$4.99 Developer: Alberto Polo Rolodan
Rating ★★★★★
taken from :
iPad 2 App Directory Volume 2
Imagine Publishing Ltd