Record more-fluid HD video on iPad

iMovie offers the ability to record video clips directly within the application— just tap the camera icon at the bottom right while editing a project. On older models of iPhones and all iPads, this doesn’t offer any advantages over using the built-in Camera app, but on the iPhone 5 and later recording directly in iMovie has a unique feature: you can switch the recording definition to 720p HD rather than 1080p HD by tapping the button at the bottom right.

At first glance this might seem undesirable—who would want to record at less than maximal resolution? However, recording video at 720p using iMovie boosts the frame rate to 60 frames per second (FPS), rather than 30, which is the default with 1080p. Higher frame rate (HFR) recordings are much more fluid and lifelike. HFR was recently used for the first time in mainstream cinema for The Hobbit and Avatar 2. Additionally, clips recorded in HFR can be converted to slow motion without significant blurring.

The best proof is to experiment—try recording a scene at 1080p and 30 FPS, then recording the same scene at 720p and 60 FPS. Watch them consecutively to see the difference.