Brando iPad mini Bluetooth
Keyboard Case
($33,’m on the hunt for a job
right now, and if I’ve learned
anything from the process,
it’s this: everyone loves a good
multitasker. Enter this Brando
case. It’s slim, lightweight, and
packs a lot of junk in the trunk. By “junk,” I mean a Bluetooth
keyboard and a rechargeable lithium battery that lasts 55 hours,
which is a godsend if you’re a battery-wasting fool like I am. And
by “the trunk,” I mean sleek plastic casing with an anodized finish
that makes the cover feel like an evolved extension of the actual device. Also, though it’s not exactly the case’s standout
feature, its built-in stand is unexpectedly sturdy, so you can bid
farewell to the slipping and sliding you might encounter with
some cloth or leather cases.
Source : iPhone Life March-April 2013